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cbd tea with hemp leaves on tableCBD's popularity at this point is unquestioned: As of 2020, 1/3 of American adults had tried the product, and those numbers have almost certainly increased since that time. CBD's popularity comes from many factors, including its potential ability to help individuals who suffer from various physical and emotional challenges.

CBDs popularity is a result of more than that: CBD is also highly flexible. Unlike many other substances, it comes with an ability to fit into many different substances, serving as an excellent supplement and ingredient in a variety of foods and drinks.

One such example is CBD tea. Indeed, CBD's potential ability to help ease pain and increase sleep quality makes it a perfect supplement for CBD tea.

The Potential Benefits of CBD Tea

As noted above, some studies have demonstrated that CBD may have many benefits. These include:



In many instances, this means that CBD can help a person with a variety of challenges. CBD is available in many forms, including tinctures, skincare products, vaping juices, pills, and more.

woman holding cup of tea with CBDIn many cases, these methods of consumption may not be ideal for users. There are potential health issues with vaping, and many people don't like the taste of CBD tinctures.

This is where CBD tea can come in. Most people like tea, and as any tea drinker knows, tea is available in many flavors. Tea can also be customized by purchasing a tea of whatever flavor you like, and there are no shortages of substances you can add to your tea - including milk, honey, sugar, or lemon - that can help make the tea much tastier for you.

CBD tea works the same way. For tea drinkers, it can be perfect: A great way to enjoy a relaxing or energizing drink while also getting all of the benefits that CBD tea provides. 

What Kind of CBD Tea is Available?

CBD Tea is available in many forms, but generally speaking, there are at least two types of CBD tea that you can get.

First, of course, is regular CBD tea bags. CBD tea can be purchased from any high-quality vendor that sells the substance. In this sense, CBD tea can often be brewed with any of your favorite flavors and specifically engineered to maximize the benefits that tea comes with. You can purchase CBD tea in Earl Grey, Chamomile, Matcha Green, and many more flavors.

How to Make CBD Tea

Box of different teas to show you can add CBD to any teaIf you prefer to make your own CBD tea, you do have a couple of different options. First, you can brew your tea, then add CBD to it. If you go this route, you can add CBD in tincture form. This will allow you to have your "usual" tea, but with an added CBD taste.

If you are truly skilled, you can even obtain your own CBD, then add it to a tea bag with other flavors that you enjoy. This can allow you to make CBD tea however you want.

If you decide to add CBD to your own tea, keep in mind that you should probably start slow to make sure that the taste is something you enjoy. Furthermore, it would be best if you started by only using a plain flavored tincture. This will ensure that you taste the tea you like and that you can slowly adjust to tasting CBD tea. 

If you've never had CBD before, there are some other things you should keep in mind. First, while CBD is generally very well tolerated in humans, some people do experience negative reactions, like tiredness or dizziness. As such, you should make sure that you take CBD in a place where you will not be expected to perform - like work or school - and can potentially manage any side effects that you may ensure.

Other Considerations Before Taking CBD Tea

Just like any supplement, you should consult with your doctor or medical professional before starting CBD. Taking CBD can be problematic if you are on certain types of medication, and your doctor should know what drugs you are taking before giving you the all-clear to take CBD.

Where Can I Order CBD Tea?

cup of hot tea with hemp leaves surrounding itYou can purchase CBD tea from any reputable CBD shop online or in-store that makes it! If you are unsure if a company sells it, get in touch with them and ask them!

Remember, not all CBD vendors are created equal. Make sure to read the CBD company's Certificate of Analysis before you take any of their product.

A Certificate of Analysis is essentially the lab report produced by an independent vendor that has been hired by the CBD manufacturer in question. It will list the various components that are found in the CBD in question and confirm for you that the product is safe to consume.

Keep in mind that there is no law requiring that a company produce a Certificate of Analysis, but all highly reputable CBD vendors do so. If you are looking to purchase CBD tea, but can't find the Certificate of Analysis, don't purchase the product.

Last, make sure you understand the difference between Full-Spectrum and Isolate CBD.

Full Spectrum CBD contains very low levels of THC, which is the active cannabinoid in marijuana.

CBD isolate is the purest and most potent form of CBD as it contains just CBD and no added THC.

Eden's Herbals CBD Isolate 1000mgLegally purchased CBD will not result in any level of intoxication, but some users believe that Full Spectrum CBD is preferable to Broad Spectrum or Isolate. This is a matter of personal preference, but you should understand the differences between the two products before you make a purchase.

Final Thoughts

CBD tea can be a great way of adding a great supplement to your favorite drink and one that may have the ability to help you deal with numerous physical and emotional challenges. 

Make sure you understand the different types of teas that are available before making a purchase, but from there, you should be good to find a drink of your choice. Have a cup of CBD tea a day and feel better!

If you want to learn more about CBD infused tea, contact Eden's Herbals at today!

*These statements have not been evaluated or approved by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any illness. Medical advice should be taken from a medical professional.

All of the articles on this site are written by 3rd party content providers, expert bloggers or doctors not directly affiliated with Eden's Herbals.


Individuals should learn the risks and side effects prior to taking CBD. Make sure to always check with a medical professional before starting any new CBD treatment or medication that is not FDA approved.